Patent Searches & Analytics, including:
- Prior Art Searches
- State of Art Searches
- Landscape Analysis
- Knock Out Searches
- Freedom to Operate Searches
- Patent Mapping Studies.
Patent Applications: Drafting, Illustrations, and Office Actions:
- Information Disclosure Statements
- Patent Illustrations
- Patent Applications
- Office Actions – Responses
- File History Analysis
- Patent Proofreading
All patent applications need to any material prior art. This duty continues till the patent is issued. The Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) attend to this duty by compiling a full and accurate submission of material prior art in a timely manner. Ius Juris prepares the IDS for its clients.
The Ius Juris Patent Illustration Team is familiar with the rules relating to patent application drawings. They have access to the necessary software and other tools to develop the necessary drawings from sketches, descriptions, blueprints, and photographs.
The Ius Juris Patents Team has prepared hundreds of patent applications for filing, be they provisional or non-provisional applications. We can provide the full application, including the cover sheet, specifications, claims, and drawings to our attorney client or their agent for filing. We will also place the full application in our clients’ docketing system or library.
The Ius Juris Patents Team has prepared responses to hundreds of Office Actions in patent applications over the years. The Office Actions and the Responses required can either be non-substantive or substantive. Our Team of engineers and/or attorneys draws up the Office Action responses, ready for filing. They are drafted in accordance with the jurisdictional requirements and client preferences.